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live life on purpose work at what you love follow your own road, Find Your Life Mission and Live It

Issue 253

December 28, 2011

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Compass since 1995 dedicated to helping people like you to:

~Live Life on Purpose
~Work at What You Love
~Follow Your Own Road

A portion of all revenue from Changing Course goes to support Trickle Up,
a micro-grant organization supporting the entrepreneurial aspirations of impoverished people around the world


Inside Today's Issue

Opportunity Knocks

Changing Careers? How to Get Around the Three Major Mental Roadblocks to Success by Valerie Young

Featured Resource

In Just 4 Weeks You Can Have Your Own Profitable Fashion-Focused Import Business

Learning Opportunities

The View From the Other Side

Resources for A Change

  • Screw Business As Usual
  • Become a Pet Historian
  • Conference for Professional Organizers

Share This Issue


Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. ~ Bo Jackson


In the Life 

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... If you want to be an entrepreneur, you absolutely MUST start hanging out with people who are where you want to be.

Tory Johnson and Me
(Next time I buy a new camera case I'll remember to take the plastic off the lens first :-))

I know at least three readers have gotten the message because I met them at Good Morning America's workplace contributor Tory Johnson's Spark & Hustle Bootcamp earlier this month in Boston.

Tory is as real as she is on TV and one hundred percent dedicated to helping women start and succeed in their own businesses. Favorite quote of the day, "I love anything that puts power and control in your hands."

The next day was the Massachusetts Conference for Women featuring an amazing line up including Martha Beck, Marion Jones, Mika Brzezinski, and America Ferrara.

The same conference was also held in Texas and Pennsylvania with all three events attracting upwards between 6,000 and 8,000 attendees.

Two of the more delightful attendees were these teens from Grlz Radio. This nationally recognized radio station and after school program run by adolescent girls is not only creating future thought leaders, but based on some of the guests they've interviewed on the show, it's promoting entrepreneurship as well! Go Grlz!

I would have loved to have heard the speakers, but I was there to promote The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women as an exhibitor. My goal was less about selling books as it was about booking future speaking gigs.

Other exhibitors though definitely came to sell. And with the holidays coming up, it appears a lot of attendees came prepared to buy. Dozens of vendors were on hand selling jewelry, bags, scarves, and other items.

In my next life I plan to come back as a cashmere scarf vendor. The guy in the booth across from me was positively mobbed all day. At $10 a pop for scarves I'm told cost around $5 wholesale, I'm estimating that he took in somewhere in the high four figures -- all cash sales.

I definitely didn't need any scarves on my short trip to spend Christmas with family in Florida. When I wasn't hanging at the beach with my Dad, I was eating way too much food, watching one of the dozens of Christmas movies my sister taped, and engaging in my new obsession -- going online to check out Florida real estate as potential investments.

Speaking of investments... I hope you're poised for a bright New Year, one where you invest serious time and effort into changing course to work at what you love.

I predict this year to be a turning point for a lot of people, including myself.

Every year my friend Barbara Winter picks a word to represent the thrust for the New Year. For me those words are: Energy and Change.

What are your one or two words that will drive your 2012? Post them on the Blog now!

Opportunity Knocks: Creative Ways to Make a Living Without A Job

Changing Careers? How to Get Around the Three Major Mental Roadblocks to Success

Dreamer in Residence
Valerie Young

By Valerie Young

A part of you can't wait to dive into your new career -- but you're also smart enough to know that you can expect a few bumps along the road to success. By far, the biggest roadblocks exist between your own two ears!

Let's take a look at three common mental roadblocks and learn how to overcome them.

ROADBLOCK No. 1: Wishful Thinking

How many times have you wished you'd hit the lottery? Now, how many times have you actually won the lottery? Far too many people spend far too much time wishing when they should be dreaming.

So, what's the difference between wishing and dreaming?

Wishing is passive. We wish for things over which we have little or no control. We wish we were taller or thinner. We wish the waiter would hurry up. We wish our boss wasn't so [you fill in the blank].

The other thing about wishes is that they are often tinged with regrets about past decisions -- both big and small. We wish we'd ordered the fish instead of the chicken. We wish we'd taken the other job. We wish we hadn't let the love of our life get away.

Dreaming is different. For one, a dream is active. Unlike wishes, we can actually do something about a dream. After all, you don't "wish up" a plan, you dream one up!

You may not get everything you dream of getting, but two things are certain:

1. It doesn't take a single extra ounce of energy to dream big than it does to settle.

2. You've got a lot more to gain by shooting high than by shooting low.

ROADBLOCK No. 2: What If Everyone Thinks You're Crazy?

You've probably already thought about the people you can count on to support your plan to create a more meaningful work/life. But have you also taken stock of those you should make a point NOT to turn to?

Unless you come either from money or from a long line of pioneers, you may not get the support you want from your family. With the best of intentions, you may find your dream of quitting your job to pursue your dream career met with advice to "play it safe," reminders that "you're lucky to have a good job," or a lecture on the seemingly insurmountable odds standing between you and success.

No matter how old you are, or how much you deny it, family approval does matter. This fact, of course, makes it all the more painful when the people we love fail to give us the emotional green light we so desperately seek.

Other people's fear, skepticism, and negativity can be as contagious as the flu. And unless you've built up your immune system, these dream stompers can knock you for a loop -- especially when they are right in your own family.

You have a choice. You can either continue to turn to these naysayers in hopes that they'll respond differently, or you can choose the saner path of acceptance.

Don't look for support from people whose life experiences have not prepared them to know how to support your dreams. Instead, take advantage of the support that really is available.

ROADBLOCK No. 3: Fear of Change

The closer you come to leaving the security of your 9-to-5 job (no matter how much you want out) the greater your level of excitement and trepidation (see "Word to the Wise," below).

Anyone who has ever ventured out of their safe little world will tell you they had doubts. But when it comes to making a major life change, not only is a certain amount of fear perfectly normal, it's actually helpful. There is a reason the web site is called and not The healthy part of fear is what will keep you from quitting your in a huff before you've put some other things in place. And the great thing about fear is that there are ways to deal with it.

So, try laughing in the face of fear. Am I kidding? No. Ridiculing your fears is actually a very effective technique for banishing them -- because the mind rejects that which it considers absurd.

The trick is to turn your fears into a ridiculous event in your mind. That way, you allow your natural human reaction to absurdity to take over and dismiss them.

Try it yourself. Take your biggest fear and take it to extremes. Really exaggerate it. Let's say you're paralyzed by the fear of failure. Try picturing your entire family, all of your friends, your neighbors, everyone you went to high school with, even your boss, standing outside your cardboard-box home holding up signs that read: "We Told You So!"

Pretty ridiculous, right? When you realize that your worst-case fantasy is just that -- a fantasy -- what felt overwhelming will now feel much more manageable.

Another way to manage the fear of venturing out on your own is to start small. If the thought of just up and quitting your day job frightens you, start building your client base on the side. Begin with low-risk steps and gradually work your way up to the harder stuff.

Remember, courage is not a matter of losing your fear so you can take action; courage comes from taking action. And that, in turn, helps you overcome your fear. When you can act despite your fears, you will be rewarded many times over.

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About the Author

Profiting From Your Passions® expert Valerie Young abandoned her corporate cubicle to become the Dreamer in Residence at offering resources for people who want to work at what they love. Her career change tips have been cited in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today Weekend, More, Kiplinger's, Woman's Day, and elsewhere and on-line at MSN, CareerBuilder, and Valerie is also the author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It with Crown Publishing/Random House.

To read more articles about how to work at what you love without a job go to

Connect With Valerie Online

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.
~ Jesse Jackson

Featured Resource

In Just 4 Weeks You Can Have Your Own Profitable Fashion-Focused Import Business

NEW Ecuador Import Express Class Starts Soon

By The End Of This 4-Week Quick-Start Coaching Program You'll Know The Fastest Way To Set Up A Profitable, Fun, And Fashion-Focused Import Business... On Your Own Terms

Four years ago Work at What You Love workshop attendee Alison Talbert was a stay-at-home mom. Fifteen trips to Ecuador later she's created a unique program to teach others how to profit from selling exquisite products.

The coaching program is called the Ecuador Import Express because it promises to give you a step-by-step plan to QUICKLY and easily jump-start your own import business.

Besides being one of the most spectacular places on the planet, Ecuador is home to artisans who, for generations, have been creating beautiful, sophisticated, top-quality goods that rival any upscale boutique...

You don't have to go to Ecuador to get the goods -- though I'm sure you will once you complete the course!

Instead, you can place orders directly through Alison's website so you can get started right away. Alison will work with you to focus on the products that interest you the most and tailor the orders to your market.

Then you can host a home party, team up with a friend, or be an exhibitor at a vendor show or women's conference. And because these products are unique, cool, and no one else has them -- if Alison's own experience is any indication -- once people see what you have to offer, the orders will flow in!

You don't have to travel to import and sell exquisite handcrafted leather handbags and luggage... luxurious alpaca scarves and blankets... fine sterling silver... long stem roses... coffee... chocolate...and the list goes on and on!

All at remarkably affordable prices that allow you to resell them at a profit. The best part?

  • It's a win for the artisans and growers of Ecuador.

  • It's a win for your delighted customers.

  • And because you finally realize your dream of making money without a job-job, it's a huge win for YOU!

Classes Start January 23rd
Click Here to Learn More

We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. ~ Dolly Parton 


The Changing Course Newsletter
Copyright 2011
Lisa Tarrant, Editor
Valerie Young, Publisher

All About Your Subscription

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Previous Issues:

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however. ~ Richard Bach 

Learning Opportunities

Guerilla Marketing Intensive with Jay Conrad Levinson

21 Intimate Hours Face-to-Face with the Father of Guerrilla Marketing... January 23rd-25th, 2012

Is your small business struggling in this economy? Do you need guidance and a plan to really implement a successful marketing campaign for your small business?

Whether you know nothing about marketing or a lot, the Father of Guerrilla Marketing Jay Levinson will teach you exactly how to launch a successful marketing campaign as he shares with you 40 years of marketing success. 

The Intensive is literally in Jay's living room, so workshop size is very limited. 

This is your chance to spend face to face time with Jay Levinson and come away with a complete understanding and guerrilla marketing action plan that will boost your small business profits and guide your marketing for the next 3-5 years.

Jay is THE man who invented many successful campaigns, The Marlboro Man, The Jolly Green Giant and more as creative director of the world's largest ad agency.

January 23-25, 2012
Click Here to Learn More


Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. ~ Peter Marshall  


The View From the Other Side

"Objections can be challenging. When met with hesitation, especially when selling a service, we're inclined to drop the price or offer a freebie. Instead, we should anticipate that opposition so we don't stand there like a deer caught in the headlights when someone balks at the price. A better reaction: "If you're looking for the cheapest, that's not me, but here's the value I offer and here's how I'd serve you well, so let's talk about it."

~ Tory Johnson, Founder and CEO of Women for Hire


Resources for A Change

Screw Business as Usual As a supporter of Sir Richard Branson's non-profit, Virgin Unite, I was lucky enough to get a preview copy of his newest book on how business can be used as a force for the broader good. Branson argues that it's time to turn capitalism upside down -- to shift our values from an exclusive focus on profit to also caring for people, communities and the planet. You may not be in a position to work with the likes of Nelson Mandela, Jeff Skoll, or Peter Gabriel to tackle major problems like global warming or AIDS like Branson has, but the stories about concrete things various Virgin enterprises, major corporations like GE, and other foundations are doing to make a difference will surely inspire you to expand your thinking about your own current or future business. My favorite quote came from Carbon War Room participant former Costa Rican president Jose Maria Figueres who said, "There is no planet B..."

Become a Pet Historian As younger people especially get their news online, traditional newspapers are desperate to keep remaining, largely older, readers. Couple that with the extent to which pets have become part of the family and voila -- Opportunity! For years I've suggested to clients who love pets and writing that they pitch the idea of writing pet obituaries to their local newspapers. This in turn would attract pet related advertising thus generating revenue for the paper. I had no idea you could actually train to become a "My Best Pet Friend Forever (MyBPFF) PetStorian." According to the Association of Personal Historians this 8 hour training "includes hands-on practice to become a quality pet story/tribute workshop facilitator, marketing and sales strategy and support to be successful in implementing a pet story component to your current business. Resource materials, preservation product commissions, and additional story writing opportunities will all add to your current revenue stream." Cost $350

Conference for Personal Organizers If you'd love to be among those who get paid to share their gift for organizing with others, consider attending the National Association of Personal Organizer's (NAPO) conference happening March 21-24 in Baltimore. Some of the sessions include "Play Bigger: How to Get Started Landing Lucrative Corporate Clients So You Can Earn More Money & Have a Greater Impact," "Life Keeping, Not Just Bookkeeping®: Advanced Financial Organizing for Seniors," and if you love the idea of organizing others virtually, there's "Stay Organized in the Cloud-Tech Skills for You and Your Clients."


Note: If you purchase a pre-screened seminar or product from a partner company it may result in my receiving a referral fee. I only recommend products I feel are high quality and will help you to profit from your passions.


