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live life on purpose work at what you love follow your own road, Find Your Life Mission and Live It

Issue 260

June 11, 2012

About Your Subscription

Compass since 1995 dedicated to helping people like you to:

~Live Life on Purpose
~Work at What You Love
~Follow Your Own Road

A portion of all revenue from Changing Course goes to support Trickle Up,
a micro-grant organization supporting the entrepreneurial aspirations of impoverished people around the world


Inside Today's Issue

Opportunity Knocks

Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs: How Everyday Signs Can Help You Change Course or Careers by Valerie Young

Featured Resource

How to Work When You Want, From Where Ever You Want and Make Excellent Money as a Freelance Copywriter 

Learning Opportunities

Have You Ever Wanted to Star in Your Own Television Show?

The View From the Other Side

Resources for A Change

  • Travel for Free
  • Get Paid to Run Local Tours
  • Turn Your Vacation Photos Into Cash

Share This Issue


Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul. ~ Thomas Merton


In the Life 

The last few weeks in western Massachusetts can be summed up in one word – RAIN!

It's been rain, rain, followed by more rain. Yes, it's been dreary. But just as in life, more often than not there is a silver lining.

For starters, all that rain has made everything so lush! "Lush" is one of those fabulous sounding words that seems so perfectly suited to its meaning.

Rain also brings out the natural beauty and texture of stones. A stone you'd never notice when dry positively glistens when it's wet.

And if you've been to my house you know I'm a compulsive rock hound.

For the last five years or so, I've been dragging home rocks of all sizes. Some are from local streams, including the brook that runs in front of my house.

Other rocks have come from as far away as Arizona, California, and Vermont. (More than one ticketing agent has said, "What do you have in this suitcase – rocks?")

The purpose of all this collecting was to ultimately have enough to build a dry stone wall along the walkway to my front door.

I was inspired by a 2007 segment on CBS Sunday Morning about Martha's Vineyard "stone artist" Lew French. It took him a year to build a three-story wall and one of his more ambitious jobs cost his client $300,000.

I'm not the only one fascinated by dry stone walls. Another resident of Martha's Vineyard named Mariana Cook became so hooked that she put together a book called "Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries."

The book combines essays by farmers, historians and an archaeologist to explore the history of dry stone walls in different countries. It's also an inspiring example of what can come out of following a passion – in Cook's being featured in the New York Times.

So after admiring the remarkable images in Lew's book Stone by Design for the last five years, at long last, and with considerable help from my friend Tina, I finally got a solid running start on building my own dry stone wall.

This shot was snapped just after a heavy rain.

There's still a lot of work to be done before I come even remotely close to the artistry of Lew French. But then I've got the rest of my life to perfect my wall… And for now I'm loving every minute of it.

What do you love to do?

Finally a special thanks to all of my friends and family who joined me this past week for my first book reading at Barnes & Noble in Holyoke Massachusetts. Your support means so much to me!

Opportunity Knocks: Creative Ways to Make a Living Without A Job

Signs, Signs, Everywhere the Signs: How Everyday Signs Can Help You Change Course or Careers

Dreamer in Residence
Valerie Young

By Valerie Young

On a recent trip to nearby Northampton, Massachusetts, I saw some signs that offered invaluable lessons to anyone in the process of making a leap from having a boss to being their own boss.

From these signs I pulled three key components that can help guide you on your own career change path.

#1: Be Wonderfully Bold

This sandwich sign on the sidewalk in front of the massage practice of Patty Gate stopped me in my tracks. There's a lot to love about this small sign.

First, it offers an irresistible offer in the form of a free massage. Obviously she's just starting out if she's willing to give up immediate income on the hopes that she'll gain loyal customers that will book again and again. It also speaks volumes about Patty and the confidence she has in her work.  

So the first key take away is to consider how you present yourself as a business owner. Is it as bold and confident (and therefore trustworthy) like Patty? OR as meek and hesitant (which could cause others to think twice about hiring you).

Then there's the testimonial: "Best Massage Therapist." At first glance, I assumed that this was a designation she received from the local newspaper called The Valley Advocate, in which every year people vote on the best restaurant, the home builder, the best place to get a hair cut, etc.

When I looked closer I realized the title is self-appointed!

Notice Patty didn't wait around to collect a dozen quotes from customers to claim her status as Best Massage Therapist, nor is she waiting around for someone to crown her the best.

Instead, Patty took matters into her own hands and boldly crowned herself the best in the biz! Go Patty!

#2: Find a Need and Meet It

Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling.

~ Aristotle

Next check out this flyer…

Poster and flyer distribution may not be Amy's -- or anybody else's, for that matter -- "calling." But this resourceful woman has definitely found a need that she can be paid to fill.

Years ago I put on public seminars. So I know how time consuming it was to schlep around town hanging posters in windows and in bulletin boards. Clearly this kind of business wouldn't work well everywhere but there's a definite need in a college town like Northampton and or nearby Amherst Massachusetts.

Plus I love the message. She lets her potential customers know that not only is she quick as a bunny but that this is a professional poster and flyer distribution!

So look around the world around you for a problem or a need. Then think about how you can solve or fill it.

Even if it's not your full-time gig or your "dream business," there are always interesting ways to pay the bills while you work on changing course in your career and/or to generate that extra income to fund the business that truly is your calling!

#3: Know What You Stand For

Finally, check out the stairs that lead to the side entrance of the Northampton Quaker Meeting House On each stair is a word representative of what Quakers stand for.

Starting at the bottom and moving up, they are about…






  • LOVE



Whether you already have a small venture or you're still in the planning phase, take time to think about what your business does or will stand for.

Then use those values to guide you as you make those all important business decisions.

What are YOUR guiding values?

Take a few moments to make a list now…and then I'll share a few of mine with you.

1.   _________________________________________________________


2.   _________________________________________________________


3.   _________________________________________________________


4.   _________________________________________________________


5.   _________________________________________________________

For me, it's things like perseverance, hard work, integrity, compassion, customer service, curiosity, and inclusion.

The Bottom Line

Ready to change course? Guidance comes in many forms. Signs -- literally and figuratively -- are all around you; you just need to pay attention.

For the next few weeks I invite you to take notice of what the signs around you are telling you. Think about how they can inform your own quest to change course. Then share your thoughts and insights on my blog.

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Your thoughts mean so much to me -- and the other 23,000 change seekers who've received this article. I'd love to hear what you think! Click here to hop over to the Changing Course Blog!

About the Author

Profiting From Your Passions(R) expert Valerie Young abandoned her corporate cubicle to become the Dreamer in Residence at offering resources for people who want to work at what they love. Her career change tips have been cited in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today Weekend, More, Kiplinger's, Woman's Day, and elsewhere and on-line at MSN, CareerBuilder, and Valerie is also the author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It with Crown Publishing/Random House.

To read more articles about how to work at what you love without a job go to

Connect With Valerie Online

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. ~ Milton Berle

Featured Resource

How to Work When You Want,
From Where Ever You Want and Make Excellent Money as a Freelance Copywriter 

You don't have to be a professional writer - or a writer at all - to learn how to be a top notch copywriter.

In fact, if you can write a simple letter, you can learn to be a well-paid copywriter earning a great living, from anywhere in the world you choose: a log cabin in the mountains, a London flat, a tropical island or the comfort and convenience of your own home office. 

And, right now you can sign up for a special risk-free test drive of American Writers and Artists Institute's popular Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting:

  • You’ll get immediate access to the online program.

  • You can get started for as little as $99.25.

  • PLUS, you’ll receive a free special report titled “How to Safely and Quickly Change Careers.”

 It's that simple.

To learn more about the program, you can read the following letter from Paul Hollingshead, a copywriter who went from earning $6.50 or so an hour stocking cans in a grocery store to earning well over $400,000 a year writing copy.

You can read his letter here:

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers


The Changing Course Newsletter
Copyright 2012
Lisa Tarrant, Editor
Valerie Young, Publisher Compass

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Previous Issues:

Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.
~ Japanese Proverb

Learning Opportunities

Have You Ever Wanted to Star
in Your Own Television Show?

My friend Andrew Lock has created more successful WebTV shows than anyone else on the planet, including niches as diverse as cooking, playing guitar, dentistry, membership sites, Disney theme parks and many more.  He's also been an advisor on almost 80 other WebTV shows.
The main benefit of creating your own show is you'll be positioned and viewed as an expert advisor and your business will stand out from the crowd. 

In terms of income, Andrew will cover 12 revenue streams like greater ease in getting new clients, being approached for speaking engagements, and ways to make money directly from the show.

If you're interested in having Andrew create a WebTV show for you in your niche, he's opening up an exclusive new program to do that, and he can only accept 4 people, max.  Two spots are gone.

He and his production team handle the design of the show, the music, animation, production, the website, iTunes distribution online promotion, and much more. 

It takes about 3-4 months to complete the process with the actual filming happening in his TV studio

You'll leave with the first 8 episodes, along with the show logo, music, graphics, set design, show structure, and everything else to make it a world-class production.

That means if you release 2 episodes a month, then will give you 4 months of episodes. If you release one episode a month, you'll have 8 months of episodes.

You own ALL the elements created for you, which will enable you to continue creating the show in a studio near your home. Alternatively, Andrew can produce further episodes for you at a greatly discounted rate. It's your choice.

The cost is $15k. Not inexpensive.

Yet when you consider what you're getting – and what you could get out of having your own show – it's really a very reasonable investment.

Worried you're not expert “enough”?

You don't have to have multiple (or any!) degrees or a decade of experience in your niche. But you do need to be clear on your topic and what you want the show to be about vs. Andrew coaching you through the process of choosing a niche.

So if you're SERIOUS about having a dynamic new show created for you, email Andrew directly at for all the details.

Don't go through life, grow through life. ~ Eric Butterworth


The View From the Other Side

"Maintain a client-centric approach. The more information you learn about your customers' goals, vision and strategy, the more valuable you become."

~ Tara Abraham, Founder and CEO, Accel, Inc.



Resources for A Change

Travel for Free! If you have wanderlust but not a big travel budget, check out a site founded by Andy Peck after realizing a need for a comprehensive house sitting/pet sitting website where homeowners and house sitters can connect. You’ll find homes all over the world posted and available right now, and with a paid membership, you can be notified of any new ones right away.

Get Paid to Run Local Tours If you’re passionate about your local area and love meeting new people then you’ll love The company provides unique customizable travel experiences for customers who want to experience and learn about the local culture from a local. As the guide you get to create your own tour that reflects your passions and your interests! So everyone wins! Best of all, there's no charge to try it out and you only pay the website if you get paid.

Turn Your Vacation Photos Into Cash What if you could earn $300, $800, or even $8,000 from a single photograph? If you think it's impossible to make $8,000 from a single photo it's because you haven't met digital photographer Rich Wagner. But I have. Rich was a speaker at one of my workshops. He's made over $8,000 selling framed copies of a single picture he snapped of a hilltop tower near his home in Connecticut. He's also one of the developers of this exciting course. In addition to meeting Rich, I've personally reviewed the course and they are right when they say that it teaches anyone, even the casual vacation photographer, the secrets, tips, techniques, and strategies you need to take profitable photographs and have fun – including where to find paying clients.

Workers on Wheels Newsletter Imagine hitting the open road? Want to learn how you can join the growing ranks of people enjoying the enterprising and economical lifestyle of full-time RVing while still earning a living? Fortunately, in addition to signing up for their free on-line e-newsletter, you can still purchase back issues of the original Workers on Wheels newsletter as well.


Note: If you purchase a pre-screened seminar or product from a partner company it may result in my receiving a referral fee. I only recommend products I feel are high quality and will help you to profit from your passions.


